The Quality Mark™ helps you find legal information that is designed for the public, trustworthy, and relevant.
The Quality Mark helps you find quality legal information
The Quality Mark helps you find legal information designed with the needs of the public top of mind. When you see the Quality Mark on information, you can be confident it has been developed to be relevant, reliable, and easy to understand.
Information producers who use the Quality Mark follow best practices in producing public legal information. These best practices were developed from research into how people look for legal information and decide on what is trustworthy and relevant.
Who is behind the Quality Mark
Several non-profit organizations in British Columbia that produce and support public legal information have collaborated to develop the Quality Mark. These organizations share a vision to make justice more accessible to British Columbians.
If you have a concern about the use of the Quality Mark
A committee drawn from the collaborating organizations behind this initiative meets regularly to monitor the use of the Quality Mark. If you think the Quality Mark is being used inappropriately, please send a note to The committee will look into your concern.